17-Video killed the Radio Star January 15, 2024

If you haven’t seen Mike’s latest “Daily Grind” video, go back to the home page and watch it. “Kayla” is the third in the annual series and like the first two, it is receiving rave reviews. “It’s beautiful”, “I really like the story”, “It was very impressive. Makes me wish I was younger so I could try & do a career change.” are just a few of the reactions. When Mike first proposed these videos, I had been contemplating creating the Percy Root* Award for best shop which we would have judged based on best use of available resources. The problem is that it felt like just another award that would be forgotten a week after it was given. These videos are a more lasting tribute to these and all equipment technicians. They are also a lot more work than ordering a plaque and writing a check and Mike is still has to do his regular Job of supporting our customers. That one to two weeks for editing is actually spread out over several months,


Episode 1:

1. 36 holes

2. 8 days of filming (off and on during PGA)

3. 463 GB

4. 1,053 clips

5. 11 hours and 19 minutes of footage

6. 1 week for editing


Episode 2:

1. 5 18 hole golf courses

2. 5 days of filming

3. 1,110 GB or 1.1 TB

4. 1,659 clips

5. 30 hours 5 minutes of footage

6. 2 weeks for editing


Episode 3:

1. 36 holes

2. 3.25 days of filming

3. 807 GB

4. 1,117 clips

5. 21 hours 46 minutes of footage

6. 2 weeks for editing


*Percy Root is the original President and Chief Engineer for SIP from 1902 through 1966. I would have to work 28 more years to match that record. Aint gonna happen.